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Plant diseases represent a major challenge to agriculture and food production globally and specifically in the Mediterranean area, accounting for an estimated 10% of crop yield loss each year. The outcome of plant-pathogen interactions is dictated by the genotypes of host and pathogen, as well as environmental conditions, and these factors determine whether a plant survives or succumbs to disease.

Climate change increases the incidence of extreme weather events that may affect plant-pathogen interaction and disease appearance.







Opening Welcome and Introduction

Abdussalam AzemAlessandra Gentile






Morning Session 1

Domenico BoscoOfir BaharAmir Sharon

Seeking solutions for newly emergent diseases











Morning Session 2

Alessandra GentileStefania Maria BenniciZiv SpiegelmanMarco Caruso

Sources and mechanisms of desease resistance
Chairs: Alessandra Gentile & Ziv Spiegelman











Afternoon Session 1

Vittoria CataraDor SalomonOmri FinkelYael Helman

Plant health and the environment











Afternoon Session 2

Tal PupkoMaya BarDoron TeperSaul Burdman

Microbial pathogenicity and plant immunity
Chairs: Maya Bar & Saul Burdman


  • Abdussalam Azem (Dean of the G. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University)

    Abdussalam Azem

    Dean of the G. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University

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  • Domenico Bosco (Dept. of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences at University of Torino and CNR-IPSP, Torino, Italy)

    Domenico Bosco

    Dept. of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences at University of Torino and CNR-IPSP, Torino, Italy

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  • Alessandra Gentile (Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Environment at University of Catania)

    Alessandra Gentile

    Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Environment at University of Catania

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  • Ofir Bahar (Dept. of Plant Protection, Plant Pathology and Weed Research at The Volcani Center)

    Ofir Bahar

    Dept. of Plant Protection, Plant Pathology and Weed Research at The Volcani Center

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  • Amir Sharon (School of Plant Sciences and Food Security, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University)

    Amir Sharon

    School of Plant Sciences and Food Security, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University

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  • Alessandra Gentile (Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Environment at University of Catania)

    Alessandra Gentile

    Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Environment at University of Catania

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  • Stefania Maria Bennici (Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Environment at University of Catania)

    Stefania Maria Bennici

    Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Environment at University of Catania

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  • Ziv Spiegelman (Dept. of Plant Protection, Plant Pathology and Weed Research at The Volcani Center)

    Ziv Spiegelman

    Dept. of Plant Protection, Plant Pathology and Weed Research at The Volcani Center

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  • Marco Caruso (Research Centre for Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops, Acireale at CREA)

    Marco Caruso

    Research Centre for Olive, Fruit and Citrus Crops, Acireale at CREA

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  • Vittoria Catara (Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Environment at University of Catania)

    Vittoria Catara

    Dept. of Agriculture, Food and Environment at University of Catania

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  • Dor Salomon (Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv university)

    Dor Salomon

    Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv university

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  • Omri Finkel (Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

    Omri Finkel

    Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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  • Yael Helman (The Faculty of Agriculture at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot)

    Yael Helman

    The Faculty of Agriculture at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot

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  • Tal Pupko (The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University)

    Tal Pupko

    The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University

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  • Maya Bar (Dept. of Plant Protection, Plant Pathology and Weed Research at The Volcani Center)

    Maya Bar

    Dept. of Plant Protection, Plant Pathology and Weed Research at The Volcani Center

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  • Doron Teper (Dept. of Plant Protection, Plant Pathology and Weed Research at The Volcani Center)

    Doron Teper

    Dept. of Plant Protection, Plant Pathology and Weed Research at The Volcani Center

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  • Saul Burdman (The Faculty of Agriculture at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

    Saul Burdman

    The Faculty of Agriculture at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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