Ambasciata d'Italia

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Event Details

This scientific workshop opens the "5th Week of Italian Cuisine in the World"


Gideon Bilinsky (“Aleh-Aleh”)

Gideon Bilinsky


Ilaria Mannazzu (Associated Professor of Microbiology at University of Sassari)

Ilaria Mannazzu

Associated Professor of Microbiology at University of Sassari

Diego Mora (University of Milan)

Diego Mora

University of Milan

Ayala Noy Meir (Agronomist)

Ayala Noy Meir


Stefano Ventura (Addetto Scientifico, Ambasciata Italiana in Israele)

Stefano Ventura

Addetto Scientifico, Ambasciata Italiana in Israele

Severino Zara (Associated Professor of Microbiology at University of Sassari)

Severino Zara

Associated Professor of Microbiology at University of Sassari


November 23, 2020

Main Schedule

10:00 - 10:10
Stefano Ventura (Addetto Scientifico, Ambasciata Italiana in Israele)
Stefano Ventura
"IT-IL collaboration opportunities"
10:10 - 10:40
Prodotti lattiero-caseari
Diego Mora (University of Milan)
Diego Mora
"Italian cheeses: a joint venture between tradition and science to promote healthy and safety" Diego Mora is Full Professor of Agricultural Microbiology at the Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), University of Milan. Dr. Diego Mora has carried out research activities in the field of Agricultural and Food Microbiology. The scientific activity of Dr. Diego Mora is proven by more than 100 publications in peer reviewed international journals. Dr. Diego Mora is responsible for the following teachings: Biology of microorganisms within the three-year degree course in Food Science and Technology and Biotechnology of Food Fermentation within the Master in Food Science and Technology.
10:40 - 11:10
Microbial biodiversity and food quality
Ilaria Mannazzu (Associated Professor of Microbiology at University of Sassari)
Ilaria Mannazzu
"Yeast killer toxins: an opportunity for the wine and food industries" Ilaria Mannazzu, PhD in Microbial Biotechnology. In 2001 she is associate professor of Microbiology at the Polytechnic University of Marche Region, from 2006 she holds the same position at the University of Sassari and in 2014 she gets the National Academic Qualification as full Professor of Microbiology. Her teaching activity mainly concerns General Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology and includes seminars for PhD and master courses. Her research interests cover the biodiversity, physiology and genetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and non-conventional yeasts. She is currently involved in the study of: yeast-yeast and yeast-fungal phytopathogens interactions; fermentative stress response; biotechnological production of primary and secondary metabolites on agro-industrial wastes with special focus on carotenoids; heterologous production of yeast killer toxin of oenological interest. She is author of 72 publications on international journals (h index=25, Scopus) and 10 book chapters. She serves as a reviewer for several international journals and she is member of the editorial board of Fermentation, Microorganisms and World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. She is a member of the teaching board of the School of Doctorate in Agricultural Sciences of the University of Sassari and participates to the preparation of the doctoral degree study programme in “Biophysical Chemistry” of Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic). She represents the University of Sassari in the General Assembly of MIRRI IT-JRU and she is a member of Società di Microbiologia Agraria, Alimentare e Ambientale (SIM3A) and of the Italian Group of wine microbiology.
Severino Zara (Associated Professor of Microbiology at University of Sassari)
Severino Zara
"Sardinian EVOO as sink of microbial biodiversity" Associate Professor in the scientific disciplinary sector of Agricultural Microbiology, he has been in service since October 2007 at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Sassari, Italy. Since the 2008 he has been a lecturer in Microbiology and Genetics of Microorganisms of the degree course in Viticulture Oenology and Food Technologies. The research activity of Prof. Severino Zara since 2007 has been framed both in the research direction followed by the Microbiology Group of the Department of Agriculture and collaborations with other Italian and foreign University Departments. These research lines can be summarized as follows: Study of biofilms in yeast; Interaction of wine yeasts and pesticides; Use of mixed starter microorganisms in fermentation; Interaction of microorganisms and essential oils; Cell wall study in Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces wine yeasts; Study of the microflora in olive oils. Since 2009 he has been a member of the board of the PhD Course in Agriculture Sciences and since 2012, he has been Coordinator of the Curriculum in Agri-food Microbial Biotechnology of the above Course. In 2010 he carried out a three-month period of study and research as invited research at the laboratory of Dr. Alan Bakalinsky - Department of Food Science and Technology - Oregon State University, USA, with whom he has continuous collaborative relationships. He is scientific director and participant in research projects funded by RAS (Autonomous Region of Sardinia), MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research) and the Foundation of Sardinia. He collaborates with Italian and foreign Universities. Author of more than 100 scientific papers of which 44 in international peer-reviewed journals.
11:10 - 11:40
Prodotti ortofrutticoli
Gideon Bilinsky (“Aleh-Aleh”)
Gideon Bilinsky
Software engineer, MBA from Tel Aviv university and HKUST Hong Kong Lives in Moshav Hadar-Am Joined the family business “Aleh-Aleh” Farm 14 years ago after leaving a career in Semiconductors. The family farm grows and distributes a large variety of exotic fruits and vegetables Providing farm to table goods to chef restaurants and direct to consumer through
11:40 - 12:10
Olive da tavola e olio di oliva
Ayala Noy Meir (Agronomist)
Ayala Noy Meir
I have a masters degree in agricultural. For the past 12 years, I have been running the family's organic / biodynamic farm where 6,000 trees fron 9 different varieties grow, some of the trees are 200-1,400 years old. I am a member in the Israeli Olive Branch Committee and in the Organic Agriculture Organization in Israel. I went through professional courses and tours in the field of olive oil organoleptics and chaired a tasting panel of the IOC. I am an oil quality consultant for companies in Israel. I give courses and lectures on olive oil in the culinary and health field to the general public. I judge in international olive oil competitions in Israel, Greece and Italy.