Italian Embassy in Israel

The Israel Italy Chamber of Commerce and Industry was founded in 1955 as a non profit association. In 1993 it received formal recognition from the Italian Government. The Chamber is part of a world wide network formed by 76 bi-national Italian Chambers of Commerce with access to full collaboration with all the local Chambers of Commerce present in Italy.
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Clelia Di Consiglio-Grayson

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Event Details

Presentation and comparison between the realities of Italy and Israel about the clinic of patients from Covid-19 in conditions of hospitalization or home treatment


Maurizio Cecconi (President at The European Society of Intensive Care)

Maurizio Cecconi

President at The European Society of Intensive Care

Galia Rahav (Head of the Infectious Disease Unit and Laboratories at Sheba Medical Center)

Galia Rahav

Head of the Infectious Disease Unit and Laboratories at Sheba Medical Center

Sergio Harari (Director of Dept. of Medicine at S. Giuseppe Hospital, Milan)

Sergio Harari

Director of Dept. of Medicine at S. Giuseppe Hospital, Milan

Howard Amital (Head of Corona Department at Sheba Medical Center)

Howard Amital

Head of Corona Department at Sheba Medical Center

Galia Barkai (Head of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit and Telemedicine at Sheba Medical Center)

Galia Barkai

Head of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit and Telemedicine at Sheba Medical Center

Rita Murri (Professor at Università Cattolica S. Cuore)

Rita Murri

Professor at Università Cattolica S. Cuore


September 7, 2020

Main Schedule

16:00 - 16:05
H.E Gianluigi Benedetti Ambassador of Italy in Israel"Greetings"
16:05 - 16:10
Stefano Ventura Scientific Attache' Embassy of Italy in Israel"Introduction to the webinar"
16:10 - 16:25
Prof. Maurizio Cecconi President-elect of the European Society of Intensive Care
Covid-19 critical illness, lessons from Italy?
Maurizio Cecconi (President at The European Society of Intensive Care)
Maurizio Cecconi
Covid-19 critical illness, lessons from Italy?
16:25 - 16:40
Prof. Galia Rahav Head of the Infectious Disease Unit and Laboratories at the Sheba Medical Center
The first wave of COVID-19 at Sheba medical center
Galia Rahav (Head of the Infectious Disease Unit and Laboratories at Sheba Medical Center)
Galia Rahav
The first wave of COVID-19 at Sheba medical center
16:40 - 16:55
Prof. Sergio Harari Director of the Dept of Medicine S. Giuseppe Hospital, Milan
COVID 19: a lesson for the future
Sergio Harari (Director of Dept. of Medicine at S. Giuseppe Hospital, Milan)
Sergio Harari
COVID 19: a lesson for the future
16:55 - 17:05
Prof. Howard Amital - Head of CORONA C department at Sheba Tel Hashomer
Continuous therapy treatment with hydroxychloroquine or colchicine does not prevent COVID 19 infection- understandings form a large health care database
Howard Amital (Head of Corona Department at Sheba Medical Center)
Howard Amital
Continuous therapy treatment with hydroxychloroquine or colchicine does not prevent COVID 19 infection- understandings form a large health care database
17:05 - 17:20
Dr. Galia Barkai Head of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit and Telemedicine
The Critical Role of Telemedicine in Times of Crisis
Galia Barkai (Head of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit and Telemedicine at Sheba Medical Center)
Galia Barkai
The Critical Role of Telemedicine in Times of Crisis
17:20 - 17:25
Prof Rita Murri Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Automatization systems for the clinical prediction of COVID-19
Rita Murri (Professor at Università Cattolica S. Cuore)
Rita Murri
Automatization systems for the clinical prediction of COVID-19
17:25 - 17:30
Closing Remarks