Israel-Italy Chamber of Commerce & Industry

The Israel Italy Chamber of Commerce and Industry was founded in 1955 as a non profit association. In 1993 it received formal recognition from the Italian Government. The Chamber is part of a world wide network formed by 76 bi-national Italian Chambers of Commerce with access to full collaboration with all the local Chambers of Commerce present in Italy.
Through its networks and thanks to its dynamic, and through the professional of its highly specialized staff, the Chamber provides its members with added value services and information.

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Clelia Di Consiglio-Grayson

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Report Details

The October 7th attacks occurred against a backdrop of Israel's growing economic strength and regional integration, notably through the Abraham Accords. Israel had emerged as a leading Western economy, characterized by low unemployment, high GDP growth, strong labor productivity, a solid credit rating, and robust tech exports. A young, dynamic entrepreneurial population further cemented its global influence.

While the attacks and ongoing war have deeply impacted Israeli society, the country's core economic strengths remain intactโ€”and in some areas, have even been reinforced. Despite the challenges ahead, Israel continues to demonstrate remarkable resilience, and these enduring strengths will undoubtedly drive its economy to greater heights in the years to come